Dr. Paulette Sherman

My Bubby’s Journey Through the Holocaust

My Bubby’s Journey Through the Holocaust

My Bubba's Journey Through The Holocaust
My Bubba’s Journey Through The Holocaust

Award Winner!
My Bubby’s Journey Through the Holocaust’ won an Honorable Mention award in the Biography/Autobiography category of the 2014

Available now!

Riva Nussenbaum was born in Khotin, Basserabia on November 9th, 1910.  She had two sisters, two brothers and two parents and was the youngest child.

Her two brothers and sisters left for America when anti-semitism had begun to increase but Riva was only nine so she remained to take care of her mother, who was sick.

She married Avraham Wolkove when she was 28 years old and they celebrated the arrival of their first child a year later.  She made a hope chest her new daughter.  Little did she know, their future was not something she could plan or prepare for.

When Riva’s daughter turned one, the Iron guard descended on their little town without warning and told the townspeople to pack up their bags.  They were all sent to a work camp, ‘ to help the government.’  The soldiers offered to put my mother (who was then only one year old) onto a carriage for the children but she walked with my Bubby instead.

It was 300 miles to a town called Murapha, 60 kilometers before Kiev.  The work camp was called Transnistria.  At night they slept on the fields and ate raw potatoes and carrots.  Every day 3-5 people died from hunger.  This difficult journey took them 6 months to complete.

At Murapha, they lived in an abandoned house with seventeen people.  There was nothing to eat and every day the men were taken to work.  The men worked on the fields and in return they were given some pea soup which they split three ways.  Some days they lived only on water.  They did not take a bath for three years and had head lice.  They had to wash their clothes without soap and my Bubby loved to be clean, so this was hard for her.  She imagined what it would be like to come home to a normal bed and home.

Find out how she survived this and more and lived on until 99 years old…and share in the wisdom and grace that she can offer us, today.


Riva Wolkove’s Interviews

Below are some clips of my Bubby at 86 years old telling her story. She died at 99, but this was the one time that she spoke of her experience on video. Hopefully it adds an element to the book to bring her Spirit and personality to life!



Riva Wolkove was a wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and an amazing person.  She was a Holocaust survivor who knew 7 languages and learned to survive life’s great calamities with courage, grace, humor and wisdom.  Although she lived until 99 years old, she never got a chance to share her story.  This is her opportunity. I hope she knows that she continues to be loved and remembered, forever.



Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a psychologist, life coach, wife and mother of two.  She’s the author of eighteen books, the recipient of eight book awards and her books have been translated into French, German, Korean, Czech and Chinese.  She loves writing, spirituality, healing work and the beach.  When she got breast cancer she started a publishing company called Parachute Jump Publishing which features a legacy of books that inspire people to love more.  Her website is:  www.drpaulettesherman.com

Book Details:

My Bubby’s Journey Through the Holocaust
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Parachute Jump Publishing (February 2, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-13: Soon to come.
Product Dimensions: 8X10 inches