Dr. Paulette Sherman

A Bath With Divine Mother: Let Yin In

Sacred Bath Therapy

Breathe in and center your mind in your heart. You’ve been taught that you must work hard to reap results but notice the pregnant pause between breaths and the fertility of silence. A seed must remain planted and become part of the elements –the seasons, earth, rain, sun and temperature.   Creation must embody and relate … Read more

The Purifying Bath

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Ask and You Shall Receive, Knock and the Door Will Open! I was in the bath fretting about some bad tests I got at the hospital yesterday and was counting my worries about this upcoming book. (Just what you’re not supposed to do in the bath and according to the Law of Attraction!) I was … Read more

Embody Divine Love

Sacred Bathing Blog

It was a chaotic morning. I wanted to wake up in a good way, with positive energy. I went to walk on the treadmill while listening to my spiritual meditation. My goal was to do 30 minutes, burn 120 calories and to program in positive energy for the day. But the phone kept ringing and … Read more

Recognize Abusive Relationships and Move On

Recognize Abusive Relationships and Move On

There are important lessons we can learn about avoiding abusive dating relationships here: If you have had an abusive or controlling parent you will be more likely to choose that in a mate, unless you have worked on this issue. My book ‘Dating from the Inside Out’ explores this in more depth, in the Unconscious … Read more

What About Reuniting With an Ex?

What About Reuniting With an Ex?

Lightning usually only strikes once but there are exceptions to every rule: Here’s a popular relationship question: Should you get back together with your ex? Many people say that you should not try again with an ex-love because there were good reasons that you broke up in the first place. Often partners that reunite start … Read more

10 Dating Tips for 2019!

10 Dating Tips for 2019!

This year you can choose to be the captain of your own love boat. Embrace these 10 dating tips (or create your own) to taking action and fill your life with love! BE OPEN– Often we decide something is not right for us before we even give it a try! For example, many of my … Read more

5 Dating Tips from Michelle Obama and Me!

5 Dating Tips from Michelle Obama and Me!

Here are some dating tips from Michelle Obama and me.  I’ve integrated her dating advice and a few of her dating experiences to illustrate some of my dating tips: Notice how a guy treats you: Michelle describes her first date with Obama: “He was trying to sort of show all his sides. So, we went … Read more